Friday, June 02, 2006

IN THE COMMUNITY pre-planning

We cannot make people accept the diabled in the community.

We should never contribute to unacceptance, though. Before you take a group home resident out in the community, take some time to be prepared. It will make the outing a possitive experience for the resident, staff, and community. Please remember, you are mere caregiver. No matter how perfect you do things, no matter how much you prepare, some outings will just end up to be a bad outing. The best thing we can do as group home staff is accept it, learn what you can from it, and move on!

When planning an outing, consider the likes and dislikes of the resident. It's their outing, not the staff's! Staff has time off the clock to do things of their choice. The residents are dependent on caregivers to plan things they would choose if they could. I'm not saying there should never be exposure to new things or that staff can't have fun. I'm encouraging that the resident's preferances be put first. It's hoped staff has the courage to introduce new things to a resident. I believe it's good to share your interests with them.

Please keep in mind you are being paid by the company you work for to serve the resident, do your best to give the resident the best life they are capable of having. They come first, not the staff.

To plan an activity or outing there is information you will need find out first. Here's a beginning list:
Does the resident have funds?
  • Will transportation be needed?
  • When will a vehicle be availale for transportation?
  • How long will the outing take?
  • When is the resident available to go on an outing?
  • Is special clothing or supplies available if needed?
  • Will additional staff be available if needed?
  • With this information, use what you know about the resident, add additional infromation directly from the resident, and talk with experienced staff members. Put it all todgether to make an informative choice for an activity or outing.


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